Applications Penetration Testing

Applications pentesting is delivered using the BreachLock PTaaS model and includes internal, external, mobile, and thick client applications.


Internal Web Application Pentesting

BreachLock internal web application penetration testing provides you with critical insights into the security of your internal web applications and application's architecture, technology used, and internal systems to identify, validate, and prioritize vulnerabilities for remediation.

Internal Web Application Vulnerabilities

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    Weak authentication and unauthorized access control

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    Input validation and injection attacks (SQL, XSS)

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    Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

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    Deserialization of data and remote code execution

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    Insecure configurations and permissions

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    File upload vulnerabilities

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    Business logic flaws

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    Denial of Service (DoS) attacks

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    API security

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    Insecure third-party integrations

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    Security headers and transport security (e.g., HTTPS)


External Web Application Pentesting

Our external web application penetration testing identifies potential attack vectors and addresses specific vulnerabilities depending on the application's architecture and technologies used.

External Web Application Vulnerabilities

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    Injection attacks (SQL, XML, RCE)

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    Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

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    Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

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    Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF)

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    Broken authentication

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    Session Management

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    Security misconfigurations

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    Sensitive data exposure

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    Insecure direct object references (IDOR)

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    Security headers

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    Unvalidated redirects and forwads


Mobile Application Pentesting

BreachLock mobile application penetration testing will identify and fix vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the mobile app for both iOS and Android devices and the data it handles.

Mobile Application Vulnerabilities

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    User authentication and authorization

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    Insecure device data storage

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    Lack of encryption for stored data

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    Improper caching of sensitive data

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    Insecure communications (SSL/TLS issues)

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    Code-based vulnerabilities

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    Unintended data leakage, functionality, or backdoors

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    Remote code execution

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    Jailbreaking/Rooting exploits


Thick Client Application Pentesting

BreachLock thick client application penetration testing identifies vulnerabilities and security weaknesses of software applications that run on a user's local device, such as a desktop computer or mobile device, to communicate with a server or remote system over the network.

Thick Client Application Vulnerabilities

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    User authentication and authorization

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    Input validation and output encoding

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    Sensitive data handling 

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    Session management

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    File handling

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    Privilege escalation

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    Reverse engineering

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    Third-party components

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    Client-side security (e.g., JavaScript code, HTML, user interfaces, and others)


BreachLock OWASP Web Applications Penetration Testing

BreachLock adheres to OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) standards to provide the optimal study into an organization`s web application security. Each domain within OWASP is critically analyzed for your applications and results are documented in actionable reports.

The OWASP Top 10 is a list of the most critical security risks for web applications focused on improving the security of software. The OWASP Top 10 serves as a valuable resource for developers, security professionals, and organizations to prioritize their security efforts and address common vulnerabilities that can lead to security breaches. The list is periodically updated to reflect the evolving threat landscape.

Industry recognitions we have earned

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