2024 BreachLock Application Security Guide


Welcome to the 2024 BreachLock Application Security Guide.

Application security is crucial in today’s digital landscape as businesses increasingly rely on software applications and APIs. As applications become more complex and widespread, the potential attack surface for cyber criminals grows. This requires a proactive approach to securing applications from development through deployment. Application security involves an offensive security strategy to protect applications from vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.

Several factors are driving the rise of threats related to applications and APIs. Applications accessible over the internet are prime targets for remote attacks. APIs, which connect systems and share data, introduce new attack vectors. Cybercriminals can exploit poorly secured APIs to access sensitive data or compromise systems. The rapid pace of software development under the DevOps model can also lead to security being overlooked in favor of speed and functionality.

Security testing is vital in the application development lifecycle to mitigate these risks. By incorporating security testing early and continuously, organizations can identify and address vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them. This proactive approach includes various testing methods, such as static and dynamic analysis, fuzz testing, and penetration testing, to uncover different security issues. Effective security testing ensures applications and APIs are resilient against attacks, protecting data and maintaining user trust.

Cyber threats will never cease, but rigorous security testing can be indispensable for maintaining robust application security.

What are the Different Types of Applications?

We often have a tendency to refer to application security one entity. But there are different types of applications, and they all serve different purposes. Moreover, securing these different applications from potential attackers is dependent upon understanding how they are built and how bad actors will try to infiltrate them.

Ensuring that organizations are selecting the the right security testing methodology for the right type of application must include providers and experts who understand the how to approach application security testing and vulnerability management.

We will first define and explore the three different types of applications to ensure we are all starting from the same place: Applications, Web Applications, and APIs.


83% of applications exhibit at least one security issue during their initial vulnerability assessment - donut chart

An application is a standalone software program designed to perform specific tasks or functions. It can run on various platforms, such as desktop computers, mobile devices, or servers. Applications can be anything from design tools, games, to complex business tools.

Web Applications

A web application is specifically designed to run in a web browser. Users access it by typing a URL into their browser’s address bar. Web applications provide both views (what you see in the browser) and data (information retrieved from a server). For example, an online shopping website or a social media platform is a web application.

API (Application Programming Interface)

An API is a set of rules and functions that allow different software systems to communicate with each other. APIs expose specific data or functionality from an application, enabling developers to use it in their own programs. Unlike web applications, APIs don’t provide views; they only return data. Think of an API as a way for systems to talk to each other behind the scenes.

We would be remiss if we didn’t mention Shadow APIs, but for purposes of this report we will focus on APIs in general. However, Shadow APIs are undocumented and unauthorized APIs that exist and operate in an organization without the knowledge or approval of IT and security teams. While organizations are actively investing in the security and governance of their API ecosystem, shadow APIs bypass those official, monitored channels and established governance processes to create hidden backdoor connections into the organization’s systems.

What are the Key Differences?

Application Web Application API
DEFINITION Standalone software program Specifically designed to run in a web browser with user access by typing a URL into browser’s address bar A set of rules and functions that allow different software systems to communicate with each other.
FUNCTION Designed to perform specific tasks or functions. Designed for user interaction data management, business logic, and integration. APIs enable interaction between applications, services, or components.
HOW THEY RUN Runs on various platforms such as desktops, mobile devices or servers. Can run locally on servers or computer systems and use APIs to communicate with other applications. Users access web apps from any device with an internet connection or can interact with external services via APIs (e.g., payment gateways). APIs simply return data.
TYPES & PURPOSES Desktop Applications: Runs on user’s local machine (e.g., MicroSoft Word, Photoshop). Client (Front-End): Refers to user’s web browser (e.g., Chrome, FireFox) Data Exchange: APIs that expose data or functionality (e.g., retrieve weather data, send notifications)
Mobile Applications: Designed for smartphones and tablets (e.g., WhatsApp, Messenger) Server (Back-End): Server hosts web app and processes client requests, retrieves data from bases, and can generate dynamic content (e.g., Apache, Nginx, and MicroSoft IIS) RESTful APIs: Representational State Transfer (REST APIs use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Server Applications: Run on servers to provide services (e.g., web servers, databases) Stateless: Perform search online using search engine. Stateless apps handle short-term requests without retaining context or state information. JSON or XML: Common formats for data exchange via APIs.
Examples: Online shopping websites, social media platforms, email. Examples: Twilio, Google Maps API (for location data), Twitter (X) API (for tweets).
USER INTERFACE (UI) Applications typically have a UI that allows users to interact with them directly. Web app UI is the bridge between users and the web app’s functionality. No UI. Unlike apps or web apps, APIs don’t provide views, they return data.

What Are the 3 Pillars of Application Security?

To protect your organization’s applications from potential attacks, it is essential for DevSecOps teams to build a strong foundation based on the three pillars of application security. Most organizations refer to process, technology, and people.

However, as the threat landscape for applications continues to evolve, BreachLock will look at the CIA triad: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. The CIA triad became central to security practices due to its simplicity and comprehensiveness and broad applicability. Moreover, the CIA triad has influenced the development of numerous security standards and frameworks, such as ISO/IEC 27001, NIST SP800-53, and COBIT. Its origins lie in the earlier days of IT security but, today, it has evolved into a central framework that reflects its effectiveness and enduring relevance.

By focusing on these three pillars, organizations can systematically assess and manage security risks and identify vulnerabilities and prioritize for security measures. Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information aligns with an organization’s broader goals such as compliance, operational efficiency, and customer trust. This alignment makes it easier to justify and integrate security practices.

These CIA principles ensure comprehensive security measures across an application’s lifecycle, from development to deployment and maintenance. Let’s explore each pillar in detail, along with its implementation and benefits to DevSecOps teams.

AppSec Pillar #1: Confidentiality

Confidentiality ensures that sensitive information is accessible only to those authorized to have access. Protecting data from unauthorized access and disclosure is critical to maintaining user trust and regulatory compliance.

How it Works

  • Encryption: Encrypt data both at rest and in transit to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Access Controls: Implement strict access control policies to ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Use strong, multi-factor authentication mechanisms and enforce the principle of least privilege.

How to Implement

  • Data Encryption: Use tools like TLS/SSL for data in transit and AES for data at rest.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): Implement IAM solutions like OAuth, SAML, and RBAC to manage user permissions.
  • Secure Coding Practices: Incorporate secure coding guidelines to prevent vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Benefits to DevSecOps

  • Data Protection: Ensures that sensitive data is protected from breaches, reducing the risk of data theft.
  • Compliance: Helps in adhering to regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.
  • User Trust: Maintains user trust by protecting personal and sensitive information

AppSec Pillar #2: Integrity

Integrity ensures that data is accurate, consistent, and has not been tampered with. Maintaining data integrity prevents unauthorized modifications that could disrupt operations or lead to data breaches.

How it Works

  • Checksums and Hashing: Use cryptographic hash functions to verify the integrity of data.
  • Digital Signatures: Implement digital signatures to authenticate the origin and integrity of messages and documents.
  • Version Control: Use version control systems to track changes and ensure data consistency.

How to Implement

  • Hash Functions: Use SHA-256 or other strong hash functions for data verification.
  • Digital Signatures: Implement technologies like PGP or X.509 certificates for signing data.
  • Source Control: Use version control systems like Git to manage and review changes in code and configuration.

Benefits to DevSecOps

  • Data Accuracy: Ensures that data remains accurate and reliable throughout its lifecycle.
  • Change Management: Facilitates tracking and auditing changes, making it easier to identify and revert unauthorized modifications
  • Incident Response: Enhances the ability to detect and respond to integrity breaches quickly.

AppSec Pillar #3: Availability

Availability ensures that information and resources are accessible to authorized users when needed. Ensuring high availability and minimizing downtime is crucial for maintaining business operations and user satisfaction.

How it Works

  • Redundancy and Failover: Implement redundant systems and failover mechanisms to ensure continuous availability.
  • DDoS Protection: Use DDoS protection services and rate limiting to mitigate denial-of-service attacks.
  • Regular Backups: Conduct regular backups and have disaster recovery plans in place.

How to Implement

  • High Availability Architectures: Design systems with load balancing, clustering, and geographic distribution.
  • DDoS Mitigation Services: Use services from providers like Cloudflare or AWS Shield to protect against attacks.
  • Backup Solutions: Implement automated backup solutions and regularly test recovery procedures.

Benefits to DevSecOps

  • Continuous Operations: Ensures that services remain operational and accessible, reducing downtime.
  • Resilience: Increases the system’s resilience against attacks and failures.
  • User Satisfaction: Maintains user trust and satisfaction by providing reliable access to services.

37 % of organizations intend to conduct software composition analysis (SCA) during the application development phase to mitigate risks associated with vulnerable open-source components - Donut Chart

Integrating the CIA principles into DevSecOps practices enhances the overall security of applications, making them more resilient to threats and vulnerabilities. With robust security measures in place, DevSecOps teams can quickly detect, respond to, and recover from security incidents, minimizing damage and downtime.

By focusing on these three pillars, DevSecOps teams can create secure, reliable, and efficient applications that meet both business needs and user expectations.

What is Proactive Application Security?

Proactive application security is an offensive security strategy and involves actively identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors. This approach is characterized by a focus on anticipating potential security issues and addressing them proactively prior to a potential threat or attack rather than reacting to incidents after they occur. It also focuses on the need for regular and continuous security testing to ensure the effectiveness of security controls and any remediation measures during and post the software development lifecycle.

Benefits of Proactive Application Security

1. Early Detection and Mitigation of Vulnerabilities

  • Reduced Risk of Exploitation: By identifying and fixing vulnerabilities early, the likelihood of successful attacks is minimized.
  • Lower Remediation Costs: Fixing vulnerabilities during the development phase is often less costly than post-deployment fixes.

2. Improved Security Posture

  • Enhanced Protection: Regular and thorough testing ensures that security defenses are robust and up-to-date.
  • Resilience to Advanced Threats: Offensive strategies prepare the organization to defend against sophisticated attacks.

A survey by Forrester Research found that 42% of companies suffering from external attacks attributed these incidents to vulnerabilities in software security. Additionally, 35% of these organizations identified the cause as defects in web applications.

3. Increased Trust and Confidence

  • User Trust: Demonstrating a commitment to security increases user confidence in the application.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Proactive security measures help meet regulatory requirements, avoiding fines and legal issues.

4. Continuous Improvement

  • Feedback Loop: Insights from penetration tests, red team exercises, and bug bounty programs feed back into the development process, fostering continuous improvement.
  • Skill Development: Regular security activities help develop and maintain a skilled security team.

5. Competitive Advantage

  • Market Differentiation: Applications known for strong security measures can differentiate themselves in the marketplace.
  • Business Opportunities: Demonstrating strong security can open doors to partnerships and contracts requiring stringent security standards.

Proactive application security in an offensive security strategy that not only strengthens the security posture of applications through the entire SDLC. By adopting these proactive measures, organizations can better protect their applications and data against a rapidly evolving threat landscape.

What Makes Software Development So Vulnerable?

Software can be vulnerable to malicious activity due to a variety of factors. These vulnerabilities can arise from design flaws, coding errors, configuration issues, or even the use of outdated components. Below are some of the primary factors that make software vulnerable to potential threats:

1. Poor Coding Practices

  • Lack of Input Validation: Failure to properly validate and sanitize user input can lead to vulnerabilities like SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and buffer overflows.
  • Hardcoded Credentials: Embedding credentials directly into the code can expose them to attackers.

2. Inadequate Security Testing

  • Insufficient Testing: Not conducting thorough security testing, including static and dynamic analysis, can leave vulnerabilities undetected.
  • Lack of Penetration Testing: Skipping penetration tests means potential security holes are not identified and addressed.
37 % of organizations intend to conduct software composition analysis (SCA) during the application development phase to mitigate risks associated with vulnerable open-source components - Donut Chart

3. Misconfiguration

  • Default Settings: Using default settings and configurations can expose unnecessary services and features to attackers.
  • Weak Access Controls: Improperly configured access controls can allow unauthorized access to sensitive data or system functions.
  • Insecure Communication: Not securing communication channels (e.g., lack of SSL/TLS) can lead to data interception and tampering.

4. Outdated Software and Dependencies

  • Unpatched Vulnerabilities: Using outdated software or libraries with known vulnerabilities can be easily exploited by attackers.
  • Unmaintained Dependencies: Relying on third-party components that are no longer maintained or updated can introduce risks.

5. Design Flaws

  • Weak Authentication and Authorization: Poorly designed authentication and authorization mechanisms can be bypassed or exploited.
  • Insecure Data Storage: Storing sensitive data without proper encryption can lead to data breaches.

6. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

  • Third-Party Components: Using third-party software or services without proper vetting and security assessments can introduce vulnerabilities.
  • Software Supply Chain Attacks: Attackers can target the software supply chain to introduce malicious code into trusted applications.

7. Inadequate Access Controls

  • Privilege Escalation: Insufficient segregation of duties and privilege management can allow attackers to gain elevated access.
  • Excessive Permissions: Granting excessive permissions to users or services increases the risk of exploitation.

According to Verizon, in 2023, application exploits accounted for over 25% of all breaches consisting of mostly stolen credentials and vulnerabilities.

How are Vulnerabilities Identified?

Application vulnerabilities fall into one of three risk categories. This categorization helps in prioritizing and strategizing risk management solutions ensuring your organization’s security resources are allocated effectively to mitigate potential threats.

Known Knowns

Threats that are well understood and documented. Threat, attack vector, impact, and mitigation strategies are known.

Known Unknowns

Threats that exist and are acknowledged but not fully understood. Details like attack vector, impact, or mitigation strategies are not fully known.

Unknown Unknowns

Threats that are completely unforeseen and come from attack vectors not previously considered, making preparation challenging.


Example Known Known: A vulnerability in a widely used software that has been identified and has a known patch or fix available.

Example Known Unknown: A newly discovered type of malware that is causing incidents, but whose full capabilities and methods of propagation are not yet completely understood.

Example Unknown Unknown: A novel cyber attack technique that exploits an unknown vulnerability in a way that has never been seen before.


OWASP Top 10

OWASP Top 10 Web Applications


Adhering to OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) standards provides the optimal study into an organization’s web applications web application security. Each domain within OWASP is critically analyzed for your applications and results are documented in actionable reports.

61% of applications tested were found to have at lease one vulnerability of high or critical severity that was not included in the OWASP Top 10 list - Donut Chart

The OWASP Top 10 is a list of the most critical security risks for web applications focused on improving the security of software. The OWASP Top 10 serves as a valuable resource for developers, security professionals, and organizations to prioritize their security efforts and address common vulnerabilities that can lead to security breaches. The list is periodically updated to reflect the evolving threat landscape.

OWASP Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities
OWASP Top 10 API Vulnerabilities

OWASP Top 10 API Vulnerabilities

The OWASP Top 10 API is a list of the most critical security risks for APIs focused on improving their security and communication of sensitive data and information. An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. APIs are designed to provide access to specific data or functionalities within an application or system. Whether it’s sensitive customer information, financial data, or critical system functions.

Offensive Security Solutions Across the SDLC

While the specifics for security testing vary for applications, web applications, and APIs, a holistic security strategy is essential for all three types. Whether it is penetration testing across the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), DAST, SAST, Fuzz Testing for APIs, or Application Security Posture Management, application security testing is essential to keep your software secure from potential threats while meeting your business and operational requirements.

Application security penetration testing across the SDLC helps DevOps teams to assess the security of an application or software product at various stages of its development from design through deployment and maintenance.

Phase I: Requirements & Design

Security requirements and design decisions.

  • Threat Modeling: Identify potential threats and attack vectors based on the application’s architecture and design.
  • Security Architecture Review: Assess the design for security flaws and weaknesses.
  • Secure Code Review: Review code snippets or design documents for security issues.
  • Common Vulnerabilities: Inadequate authentication mechanisms, improper access controls, data leakage risks

Phase II: Development Phase

The development phase is about actual coding.

  • Static Analysis: Analyze the source code for security vulnerabilities using automated tools.
  • Code Review: Manually review code for security issues that automated tools might miss.
  • Security Unit Testing: Developers write unit tests that specifically target security aspects.
  • Common Vulnerabilities: Injection attacks (SQL, XSS, etc.), insecure API usage, cryptography weaknesses.

Phase III: Testing Phase

Functional testing, integration testing, and various testing activities.

  • Dynamic Analysis: Test the running application for security vulnerabilities using tools that simulate attacks.
  • Manual Testing: Perform manual pentesting to find vulnerabilities that automated tools might not detect.
  • Input Validation Testing: Test the application with malicious inputs to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Common Vulnerabilities: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), broken authentication, sensitive data exposure.

Phase IV: Deployment Phase

Prior to application deployment, pentesting ensures that the environment is secure and ready for production.

  • Configuration Review: Assess the server and application configurations for security weaknesses.
  • Network Security Testing: Evaluate network-level security controls and firewalls.
  • Common Vulnerabilities: Weak configurations, unnecessary open ports, insufficient network security.

According to reports, 99% of DevOps teams reported that applications in production have a minimum of four vulnerabilities - donut chart.

Phase V: Maintenance Phase

After deployment, pentesting is crucial to catch vulnerabilities introduced by updates or changes.

  • Patch Testing: Test security patches or updates for potential regressions or new vulnerabilities.
  • Continuous Penetration Testing: Conduct continuous pentesting assessments to identify new vulnerabilities.
  • Common Vulnerabilities: Unpatched vulnerabilities, security misconfigurations due to updates

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

DAST is a black box pentesting method with a running instance of an application. The “Black Box” testing looks at an application from the outside in, examines its running states, and observes its responses to AppSec penetration testing or simulated attacks. To identify vulnerabilities, various inputs are sent, and responses are analyzed typically later in the software development lifecycle, after an application is deployed and running in a testing or production environment.

Identify Vulnerable Applications

DAST works by simulating automated attacks on an application, mimicking a malicious attacker. The goal is to find outcomes or results that were not expected and could therefore be used by attackers to compromise an application. Since DAST tools don’t have internal information about the application or the source code, they attack just as an external threat actor would—with the same limited knowledge and information about the application.

Discover Open-Source Component CVEs

Using open-source libraries accelerates cloud application development for DevOps teams but also risks distributing security vulnerabilities. DAST tools like software composition analysis (SCA) help identify third-party and open-source components in applications. SCA scans these components for known vulnerabilities (CVEs), expired or missing licenses, and outdated libraries. Since open-source libraries often depend on other open-source libraries, they create a complex web of transitive dependencies.

Black Box Penetration Testing

After a DevOps team builds an application, it must undergo black box tests before cloud deployment. BreachLock penetration testing simulates attacker techniques to identify security weaknesses. DAST solutions detect runtime vulnerabilities like authentication and server configuration errors, code and SQL injection, and cross-site scripting. DAST tools use fault injection, inserting malicious data to uncover common vulnerabilities. These scans target running software, occurring later in the DevOps pipeline, in preproduction or production environments.

Expertise & Collaboration

Code change velocity is rising, hosting architectures are evolving, and application attacks are increasing. These shifts highlight the need for continuous, comprehensive, and certified application security solutions for both DevOps and SecOps teams. Solutions should also offer collaboration tools for efficient security management and accurate vulnerability reporting and certified experts support developers with consultations and easy-to-integrate remediation recommendations for the SDLC.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

SAST is a white box pentesting method that analyzes source code to find security vulnerabilities that make your organization’s applications susceptible to an attack. SAST scans an application before the code is compiled.

Identify Vulnerabilities Early

SAST takes place very early in the SDLC as it does not require a working application and can take place without code being executed. SAST helps DevOps team identify vulnerabilities in the initial stages of development and quickly resolve issues without breaking builds or passing on vulnerabilities to the final release of the application.

Real-time Feedback

SAST tools should provide DevOps teams with real-time feedback, helping fix issues early in the SDLC. They offer graphical representations of issues, pinpointing vulnerabilities and risky code for easier navigation. Certified pentesters can be essential offering expert guidance on mitigation and code fixes, helping DevOps teams even without deep security domain expertise.

Create Customized Reports

DevOps teams should choose a SAST solution in which users can easily create customized reports to track all security weaknesses reported during the testing in a way that helps DevOps and SecOps teams collaborate and remediate issues quickly to release applications with minimal problems. The process contributes to the creates of a secure SDLC.

Continuous Security Testing

Organizations should look for SAST solutions that provide flexibility to apply SAST manually or on a continuous basis, or both. Run live or schedule on-demand scans, run retests to ensure the source code is safe and effective, and a solution to manage your applications security how you want and when you want.

Fuzz Testing for APIs

Fuzz Testing, or Fuzzing, is a software testing technique used to discover security vulnerabilities and bugs in APIs. Penetration testing is a fuzz testing method used to assess a system’s security, aiming to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Fuzz testing helps discover unexpected behaviors and vulnerabilities by sending malformed or random data to the target system. This process helps identify how an API behaves under unexpected conditions, revealing potential weaknesses that could be exploited.

Comprehensive Vulnerability Detection

Fuzz Testing can uncover vulnerabilities that other testing methods might miss, such as buffer overflows, memory leaks, and unhandled exceptions.

Enhanced Security Posture

Fuzz Testing can help organizations significantly improve their overall security by identifying and fixing vulnerabilities early.

Automation and Efficiency

Fuzz Testing tools can automate the generation of inputs and testing processes, making it efficient to run extensive tests with minimal manual effort.

Early Issue Detection

Fuzz Testing can help catch vulnerabilities during the development phase or early in the deployment cycle reduces the risk of security breaches and lowers the cost of remediation.

Continuous Security Testing

Fuzz Testing can be automated, allowing continuous testing throughout the development cycle without significant manual effort.

Roughly 63% of applications have flaws in first-party code and 70% contain flaws in third-party code.  That’s why testing both throughout the SDLC is so critical - donut charts.

Application Security Posture Management (APSM)

Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) is essential for securing applications throughout the SDLC. Effective ASPM integrates continuous monitoring, risk assessment, policy enforcement, and real-time feedback into development. Tools like penetration testing and Attack Surface Management (ASM) ensure application security across their lifecycle.

Proactive Vulnerability Management

ASPM penetration testing continuously scans for vulnerabilities, allowing you to detect and address issues before exploitation. By integrating with DevOps, ASPM ensures early identification and fixing of vulnerabilities, reducing production security risks.

Improve Compliance

Penetration Testing for ASPM helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS by enforcing security policies and
standards. ASPM tools provide detailed reports and documentation that can be used to demonstrate compliance during audits.

Enhance Security Awareness

By providing real-time feedback to developers, the right ASPM solution helps DevOps teams to understand security issues and learn how to write more secure code. By integrating security into the development process, ASPM fosters a culture of security awareness and responsibility across the organization.

Reduce Attack Surface

ASPM assesses the severity of vulnerabilities, enabling organizations to prioritize remediation efforts and focus on the most critical risks. ASPM covers the entire application lifecycle, ensuring that security is maintained from development through deployment and into production.

Continuous Monitoring & Discovery

Attack Surface Management (ASM) for ASPM continuously monitors and maps an organization’s attack surface, identifying all assets and entry points that attackers could exploit. This includes automatic discovery and inventory of all assets, even unknown or unmanaged ones, ensuring comprehensive visibility and prioritization.

Risk Assessment

ASM can assess the risk associated with each application by evaluating its exposure and potential vulnerabilities, helping to prioritize penetration testing.

BreachLock for Application Security

Manage your AppSec risk at enterprise scale with BreachLock Application Security testing for SDLC, web applications, and APIs. Organizations can test one application or thousands, run live or scheduled on-demand scans. BreachLock provides the flexibility to manage your applications security how you want and when you want with one integrated DevSecOps platform.

Providing Flexibility to Meet Your Business Demands

Whether it’s human-led, continuous security testing, or a combination of both, BreachLock offers you a choice providing you the flexibility you need for application security testing.

A Seamless Integrated AppSec Platform

Our integrated platform puts you back in control of your application security testing. Add as many assets as you would like to test, run live or schedule on-demand scans, run retests to ensure your security controls are effective, and prepare reports by testing module and asset type. Mange your application security how you want and when you want.

Build Security into DevSecOps

Manage your AppSec risk at enterprise scale with BreachLock Application Security. Secure code fast, automate testing with speed, and proactively manage risk across DevSecOps.

“Application security should be an easy and seamless experience offering the flexibility and versatility to choose the testing methodology that works best for you. At BreachLock, we have built an integrated platform for DevSecOps professionals that allows users to run both manual and continuous pentesting while providing an on-demand option to run and schedule tests and retests how they want, when they want. We put the control back into the DevSecOps teams while ensuring their software is secure from potential threats.”

— Seemant Sehgal | Founder & CEO, BreachLock Inc.

BreachLock AppSec Solutions

While the specifics for security testing vary for applications, web applications, and APIs, a holistic security strategy is essential for all three types. Whether it is penetration testing across the SDLC, DAST, SAST, Fuzz Testing for APIs, or Application Security Posture Management, BreachLock provides real-time application security testing to meet your business and operational requirements.

BreachLock Security Pentesting Across the SDLC

BreachLock application security penetration testing across the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) helps DevOps teams to assess the security of an application or software product at various stages of its development from design through deployment and maintenance.

BreachLock DAST

BreachLock DAST is a black box pentesting method with a running instance of an application. The “Black Box” testing looks at an application from the outside in, examines its running states, and observes its responses to AppSec penetration testing or simulated attacks. To identify vulnerabilities, various inputs are sent, and responses are analyzed typically later in the software development lifecycle, after an application is deployed and running in a testing or production environment.

BreachLock SAST

BreachLock SAST is a white box pentesting method that analyzes source code to find security vulnerabilities that make your organization’s applications susceptible to an attack. SAST scans an application before the code is compiled.

BreachLock Fuzz Testing for APIs

BreachLock Fuzz Testing, or Fuzzing, is a software testing technique used to discover security vulnerabilities and bugs in APIs. BreachLock penetration testing is a fuzz testing method used to assess a system’s security, aiming to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Fuzz testing helps discover unexpected behaviors and vulnerabilities by sending malformed or random data to the target system. This process helps identify how an API behaves under unexpected conditions, revealing potential weaknesses that could be exploited.

BreachLock APSM

BreachLock ASPM is a vital solution for maintaining and improving the security posture of security applications across the SDLC. By integrating continuous monitoring, risk assessment, policy enforcement, and real-time feedback into the development process, BreachLock solutions, such as penetration testing and Attack Surface Management (ASM) solutions can be used to ensure that applications are secure throughout their lifecycle.

About BreachLock

BreachLock is a global leader in Continuous Attack Surface Discovery and Penetration Testing. Continuously discover, prioritize, and mitigate exposures with evidence-backed Attack Surface Management, Penetration Testing, and Red Teaming.

Elevate your defense strategy with an attacker’s view that goes beyond common vulnerabilities and exposures. Each risk we uncover is backed by validated evidence. We test your entire attack surface and help you mitigate your next cyber breach before it occurs.

Know Your Risk. Contact BreachLock today!

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