Proactive Application Security with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Integrating application security early in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is not just a universal best practice – it’s imperative. The role of static application security testing (SAST) in the early stages of the SDLC is critical to helping organizations defend against the evolving threat landscape in a world where DevOps teams are pushed to outpace their rivals in the race to develop and implement new and innovative features. Enterprises that prioritize security from the initial stages of development with SAST and other tools can more effectively mitigate risks, reduce the cost of remediation, and maintain the integrity of their software solutions.

In this blog we’ll explore what static application security testing is, why it’s important, and what a good SAST solution should offer.

What is Static Application Security Testing?

SAST is a white box penetration testing method that analyzes source code to find security vulnerabilities that could make an application susceptible to an attack by scanning the application before the code is compiled. SAST is often also referred to as source code analysis or code review. Since static application security testing is conducted from the inside out, it requires access to the internal structure, design, and implementation of the application being tested.

Unlike dynamic application security testing (DAST), a black box testing method implemented later in the SDLC where the tester does not have any user credentials or knowledge of an application’s internal workings, SAST delves into the codebase itself from an internal perspective. Having full visibility of the application’s code enables the tester to thoroughly inspect all paths, data flows, and control structures, allowing developers to identify and address security issues at their root to significantly reduce the potential attack surface.

What Should a Good SAST Solution Offer?

  • Identify Vulnerabilities Early: Static application security solutions should enable DevSecOps teams to identify vulnerabilities in the initial stages of development and quickly resolve issues without breaking builds or passing on vulnerabilities to the final release of the application. SAST takes place very early in the SDLC as it does not require a working application and can take place without code being executed.
  • Real-time Feedback: SAST tools should provide DevOps teams with real-time feedback, helping fix issues early in the SDLC. This should be accomplished by offering graphical representations of issues to pinpoint vulnerabilities and risky code for easier navigation. Certified pentesters can be essential in this process to offer expert guidance on mitigation and code fixes to help DevOps teams that don’t necessarily have deep security domain expertise. This collaboration takes the guesswork out of remediation, making the process more efficient.
  • Create Customized Reports: DevOps teams should choose a static application security testing solution that allows users to easily create customized reports to track all security weaknesses reported during the static application security testing. This should be done in a way that helps DevOps and SecOps teams collaborate and remediate issues quickly to release applications with minimal problems. This is commonly executed through the penetration testing as a service (PTaaS) delivery model where results are reported on a dynamic platform that DevOps teams can view in real-time. This process contributes to the creation of a secure SDLC.
  • Continuous Security Testing: Organizations should look for static application security solutions that provide the flexibility to apply static application security testing manually, continuously, or both. Continuous security testing should allow DevSecOps teams to run live scans or schedule them on-demand, run retests to ensure the source code is safe and effective, and manage their applications’ security how they want, when they want.

Overall, static application security testing is a proactive approach to ensure that vulnerabilities are addressed before they become more complex and more expensive to remediate later in the SDLC when they’re woven into the DNA of an application. Moreover, SAST aligns with regulatory requirements and industry standards, safeguarding not only the enterprise’s data but also its reputation. In essence, for enterprise organizations, embedding security considerations from the outset is not just about preventing breaches; it’s about building a foundation of trust with customers and stakeholders in an increasingly digital world.

How BreachLock Can Help with Application Security Testing

BreachLock provides the flexibility to manage your applications’ security how you want and when you want with one integrated DevSecOps platform. Manage your AppSec risk at enterprise scale with Application Security Testing for the SDLC, web applications, and APIs with the ability to test one or thousands of applications with live or scheduled on-demand scans. With BreachLock you can choose the solution that meets your business demands, whether it’s human-led continuous penetration testing or a combination of both.

BreachLock identifies and prioritizes vulnerabilities continuously throughout the SDLC so that you can focus on the risks that impact your application most to improve security outcomes. Secure code fast, automate testing with speed, and proactively manage risk across DevSecOps with BreachLock. Contact us today to schedule a demo with an expert!

Get the 2024 BreachLock Application Security Guide for more technical insights on static application security testing and other AppSec technologies and best practices.

About BreachLock

BreachLock is a global leader in Continuous Attack Surface Discovery and Penetration Testing. Continuously discover, prioritize, and mitigate exposures with evidence-backed Attack Surface Management, Penetration Testing, and Red Teaming.

Elevate your defense strategy with an attacker’s view that goes beyond common vulnerabilities and exposures. Each risk we uncover is backed by validated evidence. We test your entire attack surface and help you mitigate your next cyber breach before it occurs.

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